
Barbara Bureker

My newsletters are written for anyone with an interest in jewelry - or in metalsmithing and making jewelry

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Barbara Kay Jewelry August 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to this month's newsletter! I hope you enjoy it. Barbara Kay Jewelry News I had a wonderful time at both the Vancouver Art and Music Festival, and the Washougal Art and Music Festival. I met so many great people and really enjoyed talking about metalsmithing and my jewelry. Thank you to those who came to visit me! My next event will be when my studio is open for visitors during the Clark County Open Studios Tour on November 2 and 3. I'll have more information about that in the next...

Welcome to my newsletter! Thank you for opening and reading! I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter. Barbara Kay Jewelry News A recent show My August shows are coming up quickly! I hope I'll see some of you at one of them. Here are the dates and links to the events: August 3, 4 and 5: Vancouver Arts and Music Festival This should be a really fun event for the whole family. Check out the website to see schedules of the music and other fun things that will be happening during these three...

Welcome to my newsletter! To all new subscribers: Welcome! I hope you enjoy this newsletter. If you’d like to read past issues, you can find them here: Barbara Kay Jewelry Newsletter Archive. To all subscribers: I am sorry I have been so behind with getting this newsletter out. A combination of family issues and a dead computer has put me behind with a lot of things, including the newsletter. Finally, to those who have been following this newsletter: I have made some decisions about how I...

Welcome to my newsletter! And Welcome Spring! I love spring; it is my favorite season, filled with promise, colors and expanding times of blue sky and sunshine. My mood improves, and my creativity grows along with it. I hope you too are feeling energized with the changing season. In this issue, we will begin to explore the wonderful world of agates. I will also talk about my love of piercing, in particular behind stones. What is piercing, you ask? Read on and find out! Barbara Kay Jewelry...

Welcome and Happy March! I hope you enjoy today's newsletter. Before we get started, I would like to ask for your input. What would you like to see in these newsletters? What behind-the-scenes view or process do you have questions about, or would you like to learn more about? I plan to feature a new stone every other issue - are there specific types of stones you'd like to know about? If you are a "hope-to-be" or beginning metalsmith - or even a more advanced metalsmith - are there things...

Welcome! If you are a new subscriber, welcome to my newsletter and thank you for subscribing! I hope you enjoy this issue. This issue gives some information about a little known stone, pietersite, and for those readers interested in metalsmithing - I have some tips on how to choose the right blade for the right sawing job. Barbara Kay Jewelry News I had hoped to share pictures of some new additions to my shop, but I have had a bit of a creative slump since my last newsletter. This does happen...

Designing with Stones and Morewith Barbara Kay Jewelry Welcome to my newsletter! This issue includes a discussion on designing with stones, and a bit on safety in the studio. I will return to a Featured Stone in the next newsletter as well as some tips for using the jeweler's saw. Barbara Kay Jewelry News I hope you are all surviving the cold of winter. I've had a hard time getting my basement studio warm enough for my fingers to work properly, and haven't created a lot. Now that things are...

Happy New Year!! And welcome to my first newsletter! I hope to send one out every month – possibly a bit more often than that, but I promise not to inundate your inbox with emails! I know that some of you are most interested in reading about jewelry. Others of you are most interested in metalsmithing. For a while at least, I will include a bit of both in these newsletters. If you are most interested in metalsmithing, and not so much my jewelry - you can skip the first part and scroll down. I...